Are Business Cards and Stationery Really Necessary?

business cards, stationery, small business, shortsleeve designs, graphic design

Business cards and stationery can have an incredible influence

business cards, stationery, small business, shortsleeve designs, graphic design

Oftentimes, when we're embroiled in the everyday work of our small business it can be easy to overlook the things that could potentially draw in new clients or establish a lasting connection with current customers. A business card is usually the first impression you make on a potential client while the stationery used to send letters or invoices from your business is a reminder of the hard work and commitment to detail you provide everyone you work for. With the right business cards and stationery, not only will you leave a lasting impression on those interested in doing business with you, but will remind present clients of your company's methods and morals. 

Business cards: Your small business’ first impression

business cards, stationery, small business, shortsleeve designs, graphic design

If not your website, a business card is commonly the first encounter that many people will have with your small business. In addition, when a representative for your company offers someone a business card, it stays with them and provides them with a quick idealization of your company, what it stands for, and what it can provide for them long after an in person conversation. For this reason it is absolutely imperative that your company’s business cards represent it in the right light of experienced, certain, proficiency. Not only can a business card provide potential customers with a lasting impression of your company but can provide them with a reminder to come to your business when they have the need of your services, if they don't currently. 

What the Right Business Cards can Offer Your small Business:

· Due to their portability, business cards allow you to advertise to anyone, anywhere. 

· They’re a reminder of what your business offers long after the card has been shared.

· They provides an instant sense of your business' work and professionalism.

· Despite living in the age of digital marketing, business cards are still the most effective method of spreading the word about your business.

Business cards provide a quick idealization of your small business, what it stands for and what it offers.

Stationery: A reminder of your commitment to quality

business cards, stationery, small business, shortsleeve designs, graphic design

Stationery, while serving a variety of purposes, from interoffice memos to invoices for clients, provides a recognizable face for your small business or company. This allows both team members and clientele alike to identify your business and just what makes you what you are. Professional and legitimate looking stationery created by an experienced designer will speak for your work ethic and devotion you have shown in completing your customers job while gently reminding them to return to your business when they require your specific services.

What the Right Stationery can Offer Your small Business:

· Shows an appreciation for business to the customer.

· Allows you to demonstrate your company morals and ideals.

· Subtly reminds current clients to seek your business again if they have the need.

· Establishes a trusted relationship with clients and customers that your business is legitimate and able to handle their work, concerns, or issues in a timely and skillful manner.

Stationery allows both team members and clientele alike to identify your business and just what makes you what you are.

Choosing the correct business card and stationery designer

business cards, stationery, small business, shortsleeve designs, graphic design

Though both business cards and stationery can have a powerful influence on receiving new customers and retaining current ones, choosing the right design to represent you and your small business is important. Working with a graphic designer that has the knowledge and experience to present your business in a professional and diligent light is the first step in outfitting yourself with business cards and stationery to engage clients. Shortsleeve Designs understands how to best represent you and your company. From working with a plethora of small business' just like your's I have learned the most effective methods in marketing contractors to those who need them most. For business cards and stationery designs that will make them remember you, hit me up and I’ll work with you to make a lasting impression on potential and current clients! 

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